Unlock the power of your workforce

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Professional development for a whole new generation of learners

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Give power to the people

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Your team needs much more than technical skills to thrive — they need to know how to engage with others and adapt to curveballs thrown their way. This usually takes years to develop naturally. Act Natural does it in weeks.

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Crafted from decades of insights

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Building on our acclaimed NIDA Corporate Training program, Act Natural boosts your team’s self-awareness and refines their communication skills.

Drawn from the foundations of acting techniques, our lessons guide them through everyday interactions — arming them with the life skills they need to succeed in the workplace.

Team page
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Lessons made to stick

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Whether they learn best by watching, writing, listening, or interacting, this course is the perfect blend of entertainment and education, delivered through a book, app, audio guide, films, and games.

Throughout the course, your team will put their newfound skills into practice, so what they learn becomes part of who they are.

A whole new skillset, today

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Lessons from Act Natural can jump from the book to the boardroom — just like that. Your team will learn practical skills they can use every day, straight away.

And better yet, this course is designed with the modern workplace in mind, allowing people to learn on their own terms, wherever and whenever suits them. 

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Content that puts growth centre stage

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Act 1

Who Are You?

Discover your communication habits.

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Act 2

A Blank Canvas

Have a better command of your physical presence.

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Act 3

Craft Your Persona

Tap into your flexibility, power and energy.

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Act 4

Influence The Narrative

Strengthen your ability to impact others. 

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Act 5

The Beginning

Take all your new skills for a test drive.

I found myself applying the lessons in meetings, presentations and workshops at work, and noticed a marked difference in my confidence and energy – as did a number of my colleagues.


What the FAQ?

They can! This course is designed as a personal experience, but having others to support you in your learning journey can definitely offer an elevated experience. Like having a gym buddy. We can provide team leaders with training notes and guidance to help them support their team and offer moments for sharing or team activity that enhances the work. And we are always here for you if you need to troubleshoot some training solutions. The course content, however, is designed to be done individually, so you don’t need a team to get the most out of it, and its absolutely fine if some team members progress through the course faster than others.

Of course. If you’re ordering more than 20 copies, you’re eligible for a discount. Get in touch with us and we’ll discuss the best plan for you.

We don’t share data, because we take our privacy commitments seriously. But we can let you know when your course tokens have been activated. If you’re doing this course as a team, our training notes and learning support will offer you guidance on how to check in on staff to see how they are progressing. Remember, don’t rush them, this a personal experience and different people will take a different path to the end.

Many people struggle with everyday communication and confidence, even if they seem like they have it under control. A course like this can help every member of your team, from the most anxious juniors to the most influential seniors, because there’s always room to grow.

Your team will improve their abilities to relate to others, command a room, and create a presence that suits any situation. Awareness of others is a core lesson in Act Natural and this alone will benefit the business as each member will learn to relate and collaborate with one another better.

Absolutely! Giving your team Act Natural is a great way to encourage their growth, but signals that you understand how and when they like to learn. A self-directed course like this allows them to learn independently and at their own pace, so it works around their day-to-day. Plus, it looks great under a Christmas tree.

We’ll try to clear her schedule. Alternatively we know a Kate Blanchett. Much fewer Oscars but she’s definitely available.

Give your team the gift of growth.

$759 a course.

Launching 25 March 2024

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